Women run the UK housing market
Without women, the UK housing market would collaps. This delicate insight is shown through statistics from CCT’s technology which is world leading in digital housing ads.
Through a selection of about one million intelligent ads in the UK housing market last month, it was shown that women respond in a superior way.
Intelligent ads
Statistics from CCT show an overwhelming majority of the intelligent ads, who “themselves” track customers in social media, were clicked by 81 percent women and 19 percent men.
– The numbers are hilarious. Had it been the man who decided when families should buy a new house, then the real estate market would be a very limited activity, says Christian Overaa, co-founder and CEO in CCT.
Ten million intelligent ads
So far this year, CCT has distributed about 10 million intelligent residential ads. The majority of the ads is distributed to leading UK brokers. The trend is quite clear: Women control the housing market.
– We do not target the ads by gender, but by interest. The ads can be considered as genderless. In this perspective, this is completely new insight, continues Overaa. He says that the statistics document that housing purchases primarily goes through women.
– The figures illustrates quite clearly that there is an 80 percent greater opportunity to sell fast if the ad catches an interest by women, says Overaa. The figures also show that there are only small differences, regardless of age.
Like the birds
– Brand new statistics shows that men are in a large minority when it comes to buying a home. Women not only look for a place to live, but do like the birds, also consider where to build a nest for the future, says Overaa.
CCT is a Scandinavian technology company that is the world leader in AI driven intelligent ads in the residential market. The largest broker chains in Scandinavia, UK and Australia use the solution that itself traces consumers in the most used applications in their smartphone. The intelligent ads are fully automated and changed and optimized in real time which helps the homeowners reach the right audience. Statistics from the Norwegian real estate company, PrivatMegleren, show that the turnover rate for home sales is reduced by up to 30 percent.